
Foto: David Álvarez Veloso
  1. National MPI
  2. Joined MPPN: 2013
  3. Voluntary National Review
  4. Dimensions Magazine Articles


  1. National MPI

Multidimensionally Poor (based on National MPI): 20.7% (Casen 2017 with 5 dimensions)
Launch date of national MPI: January 2015
Institution responsible for national MPI: Ministry of Social Development
Dimensions of national MPI: education, health, labor and social security, housing and local environment, and networks and social cohesion

In January 2015, the government of Chile announced its new national Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI), along with its new income poverty measure. The objective behind complementing income measurement with a multidimensional methodology was to be able to have a more complete national socio-economic characterization of households and their members that helps improve and target social policy.  A year and a half later, this index was modified to add local environment to the housing dimension and a fifth innovative dimension: networks and social cohesion.

Chile MPI dimensions and indicators:

Source: Ministerio de Desarrollo Social, Chile.

If you would like to learn more about the new methodology of poverty measurement in Chile read the Social Development Report (2015).

Last Multidimensional Poverty report based on Casen Survey 2017 is available here.

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3. Voluntary National Review

Voluntary National Review (2017): In Chile, the national MPI identifies 20.9% of the population as poor. Chile’s MPI is disaggregated by subnational regions, rural-urban, gender, age cohort, indigenous status. The MPI reflects not just the level but also the composition of poverty in terms of education, health, work, housing and environment, and social networks. In Chile’s consultations preparing for the VNR, they found that one of the most relevant challenges was poverty in all its dimensions – monetary, and multidimensional. Full Report Here

Also available the Sustainable Development Goals ReportDiagnosis and Implementation Report of Agenda 2030 and Sustainable Development Goals in Chile“.

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4. Dimensions Magazine Articles