
Exchanging experience in Child Multidimensional Poverty Measurements and Reduction

26 March, 2019

On 21st of March the MPPN hosted the first thematic conference call dedicated to exchange experiences on child multidimensional poverty measurement and reduction. Representatives from the governments of Chile and Mexico presented their country experiences. This was followed by a presentation of OPHI director Sabina Alkire.

The power point presentations and audio can be found below.


Child Multidimensional Poverty measurement in Chile

Presented by Alejandra Candia, Deputy Minister of Social Development of Chile.




Child Poverty measurement in Mexico

Presented by Gonzalo Hernandez Licona, Executive Director of the Council for Social Policy Evaluation, Mexico (CONEVAL).




Ending Child Poverty while Ending Multidimensional Poverty too

Presented by Sabina Alkire, Director of the Oxford poverty and Human Development Initiative. University of Oxford.




Picture: Edward Allen Lim.

Child Poverty Chile México OPHI