
BMZ: Supporting the MPPN

4 November, 2016

The German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) supports the MPPN in its work.It also proudly hosted the 2014 Berlin high-level meeting of the network. The high-level meeting was opened by Thomas Silberhorn, Parliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development (pictured). Mr Silberhorn indicated BMZ’s strong support for the network during his speech as follows: “I regard the MPPN as something really special. Within a short period, close and strong cooperation has developed between countries. And the network is growing. It is doing pioneering work and is a good example of what global partnership should be” He also said during his address that “effective and sustainable poverty reduction only possible unless we take account of the various dimensions of poverty,” adding that “a quantity-based measure such as the poverty line of $1.25/day cannot be the only benchmark for poverty. Quality of life and wellbeing are the result of sufficient food, reliable health services and good education, and some of these aspects are mutually interdependent”. On the importance of taking a multidimensional approach to measuring and eradicating poverty he added: “The Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) gives attention to these aspects so it is a useful instrument for targeted poverty reduction. It helps us identify the groups facing the highest risk and it enables policymakers to reduce poverty effectively“. At the launch of the network at the University of Oxford in June 2013, Dirk Niebel, German Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development echoed these statements, saying that: “poverty reduction and efforts to fight the many underlying causes of poverty need to continue to be the central goal of development cooperation”. He added that the network “provides a unique platform for putting the multidimensional poverty approach on an international basis, for instance as part of the drafting of a new post-2015 UN development agenda. And the Network’s launch lays an important foundation for enhanced international development effectiveness”. GIZ cooperates closely with the Secretariat of the MPPN/OPHI on behalf of the BMZ. Read BMZ’s the full statement at the launch of the network on the OPHI website. Find out more about BMZ and the projects it supports on the BMZ website.