
Foto: David Álvarez Veloso
  1. National MPI
  2. National Child MPI
  3. Joined MPPN: 2016
  4. National Voluntary Review
  5. Dimensions Magazine Articles


National MPI

Multidimensionally Poor (based on National MPI): 19% (2018)
Launch date of national MPI: 2017
Institution responsible for national MPI: National Statistics Office
Dimensions of national MPI: Education; Housing, Basic Services and Internet Access; Environment, Local environment and sanitation; Employment; Health.

The Government of Panama launched its new official measure of poverty on the 26th of June 2017, in a formal ceremony presided by the President of Panama, Juan Carlos Varela. Also present were, among other dignitaries, the Minister of Social Development, Alcibíades Vásquez Velásquez and the Director of OPHI, Sabina Alkire. The Panama MPI consists of 5 dimensions and 17 indicators. The National Statistics Office gathered the data, a technical team did the analysis, and the Ministry of Social Development, led by Vice Minister Michelle Muschett, acting also as Technical Secretary to the Social Cabinet of Panama, spearheaded the year-long effort.

Document on Multidimensional Poverty Index in Panama 2017 available here.

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National Child MPI

On September 12, 2018, Panama launched the National Child MPI, which is the first official child MPI in Latin-American. The Child MPI has five dimensions (Health, education, water and sanitation, housing and child protection) and 10 indicators (two per dimension). It uses nested weights and a poverty line equal to 30%, meaning that a child is multidimensionally poor if she is deprived in 3 or more indicators. The selection of dimensions and indicators was based on the Convention on the Rights of the Child, National legislations and policies and a large number of public consultations.

Document on Panama Child MPI available here (Spanish)

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Voluntary National Review

Panama’s Voluntary National Review extensively described its official MPI as one of the principle instruments to progressively improve public policies. For example its main messages were:“ The multidimensional poverty index was established as a principal instrument for shaping public policy. To that end, dimensions and indicators were selected, the disadvantages and gaps characterizing poverty were defined, deprivation was quantified and poverty was defined in multidimensional terms.” Full Report Here.

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