
Posts con la etiqueta ‘Executive Education’

Educación Ejecutiva de OPHI: una nueva forma de apoyar a líderes y responsables de políticas en sus esfuerzos para reducir la pobreza

Publicado el: febrero 4th, 2022 Por MPPN

A special feature of the inaugural Leaders Programme was that all lecturers, facilitators, and special guests have vast experience leading multidimensional poverty reduction efforts at international, national, and institutional levels. This list included Juan Manuel Santos (Nobel Peace Prize and former President of Colombia), Tshering Tobgay (former Prime Minister of Bhutan), Achim Steiner (UNDP Administrator), Ana Helena Chacón (former Vice President of Costa Rica), Margarita Cedeño (former Vice President of Dominican Republic), among other top-level practitioners and experts.

During 2022, in addition to the second edition of the Leaders Programme, OPHI ExEd will offer an executive programme in Spanish, and several executive trainings tailored to countries’ needs and demands. This is the first step of a wonderful new journey for OPHI with the hope of supporting leaders and policymakers to advocate for the policies today’s world needs to leave none behind.


For additional information about OPHI ExEd programmes and trainings: ophi-exed@qeh.ox.ac.uk


This article was published in Dimensions 13