
Posts con la etiqueta ‘IPM local’

Colombia launches a Municipal Multidimensional Poverty Measure

Publicado el: February 3rd, 2020 Por MPPN

The National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE) of Colombia launched the Municipal Multidimensional Poverty Measure of Censal Source. This measurement is made up of five dimensions: educational conditions of the household, conditions of children and youth, health, work and housing conditions and access to public services. These 5 dimensions involve 15 indicators. In this methodology, households with deprivation in at least 33.3% of the indicators are considered in poverty.


Incidence of municipal poverty

Municipalities with highest levels of municipal multidimensional poverty predominate in Orinoquía-Amazonia and Pacifica regions, and municipalities with lowest percentages are located in Central and Eastern regions of the country. Highest municipal multidimensional poverty incidence rates were presented in: Uribia (La Guajira) with 92.2%, Cumaribo (Vichada) with 91.4% and Alto Baudó (Chocó) with 90.6%. Municipalities with lowest incidence of multidimensional poverty were Sabaneta with 4.5% and Envigado with 4.9% in Antioquia and Chía (Cundinamarca) with 6.7%.

More information is available in Spanish.

Source: DANE.