
United Nations Events

Publicado el: October 6th, 2017 Por MPPN

UNGA 2017 High-Level Side Event: Using the Multidimensional Poverty Index to Track Progress in the SDGs

The Government of Honduras, on behalf of the Multidimensional Poverty Peer Network (MPPN), hosted a High-Level Side Event entitled “Using the Multidimensional Poverty Index to Track Progress in the SDGs” at the United Nations General Assembly 2017. The event took place at the UN Headquarters in New York, Conference Room 2, on Tuesday 19 September from 11am-1pm.


United Nations Statistical Commission 48th Session, 2017

The Multidimensional Poverty Peer Network (MPPN) held a special High-Level Side Event at the UN Statistical Commission in New York on Tuesday 7 March 2017 entitled “Measuring the Interconnected Dimensions of Poverty to Energise Policy.”

2016 UNGA Side Event “Measuring and Tackling Poverty in All its Dimensions”

22 November, 2016. The event was organised by the Republic of South Africa on behalf of the Multidimensional Poverty Peer Network (MPPN), with the support of the Government of Seychelles and the Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI).

OPHI and MPPN Host Side Event at UN Statistical Commission 2016

On 7 March, 2016, OPHI and the Multidimensional Poverty Peer Network (MPPN) hosted a Side Event at the 47th session of the United Nations Statistical Commission in New York. The Commission is the key UN statistical entity, with participation from national and international statistical leaders from across the world.

2015 UNGA Side Event “Anchoring a Global Multidimensional Poverty Index within the Sustainable Development Goals”

The event is organised by the Republic of Costa Rica and nearly 40 governments represented by the Multidimensional Poverty Peer Network (MPPN), a South-South network of senior government officials that is championing the use of multidimensional poverty measures alongside traditional income measures at both the national and global levels.

OPHI and MPPN Host 2015 UN Statistical Commission Side Event

OPHI and the Multidimensional Poverty Peer Network – a group of senior representatives from over 40 governments and international institutions – hosted a special side-event on multidimensional poverty measurement at the 46th session of the UN Statistical Commission on Monday 2 March 2015.



Special Side Event at the 69th UN General Assembly 2014

At a high-profile side-event attended by approximately 300 people at the 69th UN General Assembly, senior leaders from eight governments and institutions called on the UN to adopt a new multidimensional poverty measure to support the eradication of poverty in all its forms in the post-2015 development agenda.


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